Mir 2: Mother Magdalena’s Fair
Witchcraft, fate, riches, power… that and more could be found in this Polish larp. I’m sure, I’ve missed a lot – no matter that it was a foreigner-friendly larp, there still were some language barriers. Therefore, I won’t speak much about the game – my photographs should speak instead. Anyway, I’m not saying that the […]
Published: 28 October 2016
St. Wenceslas Shooters Festival
Let me say that I‘d never heard of this event before and was invited to document it as a bonus to the Battle of Lipany. I got a phone call asking me to come to Lipany in the beginning of spring and when I agreed I was also invited here – to a competition of […]
Published: 17 October 2016
I‘m trying to take care of the backlog (even more with English version of the texts). Last year I’ve been on a week-long business trip in Polish Gdansk.I only managed to take a couple pictured, but it took me more than a year to process and publish them. I was sort of forced to process […]
Published: 26 September 2016
Equilibrium is a steampunk adventure chamber larp, set in Victorian England during the Irish resistance period. Our heroes are meeting at the “Cogwheel” public house. Each of them is from a different environment, with different motivations, but with a shared goal – to get the mysterious Equilibrium. So much for the official annotation from the […]
Published: 19 September 2016
Cien Años de Soledad
I was thinking very hard about what to say about this game. But over the week that passed since the larp took place I found out that I didn’t need to write anything. The players wrote more than enough about it. So i‘ve decided to use a short dream list from Aurelian Buendi, played and […]
Published: 7 September 2016
Pirates at Bezkrálí
After multiple years Bezkrálíreturned. I’d attended this larp even before it had a name and when it was a just a side project at our New Year’s party. I’ve attended Bezkrálí as a player, NPC, GM and a photographer over the years. Bezkrálí hasn’t had much luck with me as a photographer. It lived thought […]
Published: 17 August 2016
The Battle of the Five Armies
It was a very long time between my visit to Battle of the Five Armies 2015 and the last one I’ve visited before. If I remember correctly I was 1999. It would be a very, very long list of things that changed in the meantime, and there is no need for that. But I will […]
Published: 15 June 2016
Hail at Lipany
Not only did a few dozen swordsmen decide to go on a rampage at this year’s Battle of Lipany, but also the weather decided to be crazy. It has begun with really hot summer temperatures, when almost everyone tried to stay in shades and drink a lot of fluids. But that wasn’t enough; exactly when […]
Published: 8 June 2016
Drawn by Light & Kew Gardens
Towards the end of 2014 I found out that there is a photography exhibition in London called Drawn by Light based on The Royal Photographic Societycollection. Considering what I knew of the collection’s content, I just needed to see it, I simply couldn’t resist. So I tried to ask around to find someone who is […]
Published: 16 May 2016
Azeroth 2016
If I told you that I went to photograph Azeroth because of the World of Warcraft movie, I would be lying. But I’m not so sure it’s true for all of the players there, as I believe the movie influenced some of them. After all, I remember how the first Lord of the Rings movie […]
Published: 10 May 2016