Hell on Wheels

This weekend a western larp Hell on Wheels inspired by a TV show of the same name took place not far from Humpolec. It was like entering a childhood dream about cowboys with all its guns, rifles, whisky, beans, horses, Indians and whores, with the last probably not being a part of a childhood dream – but then again, the game was not for children.
The larp started on Friday afternoon and was preceded by a lot of workshops and a lecture about using guns. Yes, there was shooting in the game and quite plenty of it, tens and maybe even hundreds of rounds were shot and there were even several shots from a cannon.
The inspiration by the TV show was visible some characters like Bohannon, Durant, Eva or the Swede, but also in the setting of building the railroad. There were also problems with the workers’ wages and conflicts between the Indians, whites and freed men, we had boxing matches, a well that was blew up by the Indians, the Swede buried thirty four bodies, and simply put, the game was filled with action from the beginning right up to the last minute.
There were three of us photographing at the game and each of us brought our unique view into the pictures, so I hope that everyone can find some nice picture and most of the interesting moments. Flankey’s photos are on Facebook and I’m sure Viper will publish his soon enough.
I hope the game will have a rerun in the spring and that I’ll get some nice role, because I’m sure I want to play this. I’ll just have to hope the date doesn’t clash with the Italian Battle of Vilegis like it did in the autumn.