My healt insurance company decided, that it’ll be cheaper to send me to Spa for one month, rather than pay for standard medication, and so they send me to Priessnitz Therapeutical Spa in Jeseník.
It seemed like the ideal opportunity for lots of trips and walks in autumn mountains. However, the reality was a bit different – schedule I got for my medical procudures took almost all of my time and I ended up having only weekends free to do as I pleased.
Everyone knows that on weekends most of the people go for trips into the country, so it was no surprise that I met lots of tourists. On each trip I was joined by someone with partialy same way. One man even waited with me for at least half an hour before the wind blew off mist to see the cottage of George on Šerák.
From hundreds of images I created, I selected several photos of Jeseníky that I would like to share.